He Came As The Suffering Servant..

He Came As The Suffering Servant..
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying: 'My counsel shall stand, and all My pleasure will I do'" Isaiah 46:10

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Can You Be Found Guilty If You Don't Know The Law?

If we are not aware of or familiar with or knowledgeable of specific laws, and we happen to break a law, in ignorance, can we still be held accountable (found guilty, arrested, punished)? 

Let's face it, most of us are not attorneys and did not "study the law" in school.  So what happens if we break a law that we're not even aware IS a law? I think the answer is obvious, and I'm attempting to make a point here, but I will share an experience that I had, personally, to start.

I was 26 years old and had recently moved to California.  It was Halloween weekend and I was "out and about" with some friends.  We were "celebrating" the holiday at a popular restaurant/bar.  As it turned out, there were 2 "competing" Halloween parties going on in the area and they happened to be across the street from each other.  We didn't want to miss either party so we were spending about an hour at one and then "running across" to the party at the bar across the street.

On my way back to the original party, I was crossing the street, again, and waited for the right time, and made a run for it (to avoid the traffic on the road).  The road happened to be PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) and while this isn't a major road/freeway, this portion of PCH is close to the beach and can have a bit more traffic.  So, I made it to the median, waited for the road to be clear of all traffic, and then sprinted across to the other side.  This was probably the third time that night that I had crossed back and forth this way, however, this time when I reached the curb I heard, "Hello, Ma'am"?  I knew immediately it was a cop!

I couldn't believe it!  Then I thought, "what could I have possibly done wrong?"  I suddenly had that sinking feeling in my stomach and just knew that this had something to do with my just having crossed that street.  Sure enough, I approached the police officer and he asked me if I knew where the crosswalk was.  "Crosswalk?", was he kidding?"  No one was using a crosswalk and I didn't see any nearby.  The thought of using a crosswalk had never entered my mind.  I "didn't know" I HAD to use a crosswalk to cross the street (as naive as that sounds).  It just wasn't something I was familiar with, I guess.  I didn't live in a big city with crosswalks on every corner...and, this street didn't appear to have one.  I had no idea there was even a crosswalk on the street...BUT, he pointed one out to me....roughly 75 feet down the road from where we were standing, just under the traffic lights (go figure!).  

I tried explaining that I wasn't aware that there was even a crosswalk on the street but before I could finish I was handed a lovely ticket in the amount of $55!  He couldn't care less what my excuse was.  His response was exactly what you'd expect: "it's your responsibility to be aware of the laws" (something to that effect).  I was furious.  I couldn't believe it...not to mention it was $55 just for running across the street!  

So What's The Point:
This is just one, simple, example of how we, as citizens, are expected to know the law.  Period.  It makes no difference if we are not knowledgeable about the law, don't understand the law, never bothered to "check" what the local laws are, etc.  If we break a law, we will be held accountable.  Ignorance of the law is no defense.

My Point is that we should expect no less than the Righteous Judgment of God.  I will speak for myself here; I grew up in a Catholic home, was raised Catholic, attended Catholic Middle School and High School as well as worked at my local Parish (Church Office) from the age of 16 through 19.  I volunteered with the Catholic "Charities" and when I was old enough to live on my own, became a member of my own local Catholic Church....all the while NEVER having opened, never mind read, the Bible.  How is that possible?  It's not only possible, it's unfortunately very, very common.  I went so far as to purchase a book titled "The Catechism of The Catholic Faith" (which is a very thick book listing each and every little thing a "good Catholic" should or shouldn't do (according to the Catholic Church)...yet, I did not read the Holy Bible.  I write this now and still can't believe it, yet it's true.  

In my particular case, I was witnessed to, by a Born Again Believer and that is what planted the seed within me.  That was many years ago but now I believe many, many Christians, worldwide, are sharing The Truth, The Gospel, The Word of God in various ways and one of those ways is online.  So, at the very least, for someone to say they have never "heard" The Truth, The Gospel, The Word of God....well, for most of the world, I find that almost impossible.  

Why Is This So Important:
It's important because where (and how) we will spend eternity depends on it.  Just take a look around.  I happen to be blessed to live in a country that (so far) has not suffered like the rest of the world.  I do not believe that will last however.  I do believe judgment is coming to this country (and I'm afraid that the majority of the people in this country are NOT ready for what is coming).  We've had it TOO easy....most of us here have.  That being said, there is no denying that especially in this past year, just the natural hazards/disasters alone are beginning to take their toll here....like we've never seen before.  The entire world is experiencing horrific weather...deadly weather.  I do believe that God uses these things to shake up / wake up His people....for those who will listen.  It's becoming almost impossible to deny that "something" is definitely going on, going wrong, has changed in this world.  Maybe, just maybe God is trying to get the attention of every last person who's willing to listen.  

Why Is The Word of God So Important:
For one, as a Bible believing Christian (who only began reading the bible a little over 2 years ago)......I can attest to the FACT that the Holy Bible IS The Living Word of God.  It will change you.  

Secondly: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16

Third: What does God want/expect from us?
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".  2 Timothy 2:15

Here is an excellent "blog post" I found online regarding the "rightly dividing the Word of Truth:
Rightly Dividing The Word

There's only one way to really know God the Father and the Lord Jesus.....Read His Word.

Read (or listen) to the Word of God (free) online: https://www.biblegateway.com/

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Remember What He Told Us - (cont.)

Are We Living In The End Times?

In the previous post, "Remember What He Told Us" (pt 1), we were reminded of the first few signs that Jesus told the disciples would be THE SIGNS this world would see just before His return.  Again, beginning in Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 5:
  1. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
  2. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye not be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
  3. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
  4. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
  5. And many false prophets shall rise, and deceive many.
  6. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
The last post left off with "for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom".  The next thing Jesus told the disciples (and us) that this world would see would be famines.  Of course with all these "signs", each sign, in and of itself is not what we are to be "looking for" but rather the increase and intensity of each sign.  Remember, Jesus likened all of these signs as "the beginning of sorrows" which in it's original context (or translation) meant "birth pains".....similar to a woman giving birth or the labor "process" where the "birth pain" intensifies up until the moment of birth.

The most recent data (2014 - 2016 estimates) puts the "Number and Prevalence (%) of Undernourished in the World" at 794.6 MILLION (10.9%) of the world.

Famine can stem from natural causes such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, insect plagues, and plant disease.  It can also stem from man-made causes such as wars, civil disturbances and deliberate crop destruction.  

While famines are, sadly, not unheard of or even not uncommon, especially in certain parts of the world, if we take into account all the factors that lead to / cause famine, we are unfortunately going to see this number skyrocket.  We were "told" that in the end times, in the days leading up to Christ's return, one of the things we would see on this earth if famine.  I don't think we've come close to seeing the worst of this yet.  The following signs are the other signs Christ said we would see just before His return....I believe the unprecedented increase in the following "signs" is what will lead to "a famine in the land" like this earth has not seen before.

Pestilence - a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague; a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating (especially bubonic plague).

January 5, 2016:

Biological Hazard - France - 800,000 ducks and geese will be culled under measures announced by the French Government to halt the spread of bird flu. January 5, 2017  -  Link

Epidemic Hazard - Australia - A fifth person has been diagnosed with meningococcal disease. January 5, 2017Link

Chile has detected bird flu at a turkey production plant run by poultry producer Agrosuper in the country's central Valparaiso region. January 5, 2017Link

A man in China's eastern province of Shandong has become at least the fourth person to die this winter from H7N9 bird flu, state media said on Thursday, while officials in southern Guangdong confirmed 14 cases of the virus in December. Regional fears of a major bird flu outbreak have been sparked by a record outbreak of avian influenza in poultry in South Korea, as well as infections in birds in Japan. - Link

Biological Hazard - Canada - Those tasked with identifying what was behind a recent massive herring die-off say they may never know the exact cause. - Link

Epidemic Hazard - Zimbabwe - In the past two-plus months, Zimbabwe has seen an outbreak of typhoid fever that has resulted in more than 2200 suspected cases and at least nine deaths, according to local media. - Link

Epidemic Hazard - Australia - Queensland Health has confirmed that a sixth person has tested positive to meningococcal disease in the space of a week.

January 7, 2016:

Epidemic Hazard - China - A new case of human H7N9 avian flu, has been reported in Zhuzhou City in central China\'s Hunan ProvinceLink

Biological Hazard - IndiaExperts from the Union health ministry on Saturday took stock of the situation at Hathijan village in the district where over 1,400 birds were culled following the death of Guinea fowls brought from Mumbai due to bird flu.  Link

January 8, 2016:

Biological Hazard - ZambiaLivestock and Fisheries Minister Michael Katambo says there is an outbreak of Anthrax in cattle in Limulunga, Nalolo, Kalabo, Shangombo and Sioma districts of Western Province. Mr Katambo  Link

Epidemic Hazard - IrelandSeven people have died from the flu in the last few weeks, it's been revealed. The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has said there were 341 cases of flu in mid December - with 270 people hospitalised before the new yearLink

Biological Hazard - IndiaTwo samples of chicken were found positive for H5N1 bird flu in Kadaiya village in Daman district following which the administration has prohibited import, sale and storage of poultry products, and banned restaurants from serving chicken and egg products for a monthLink

Biological Hazard - United Kingdom - Bird flu has been found in a small flock in a backyard in North Yorkshire, the UK\'s chief veterinary officer said, warning that people who kept chickens and ducks in their gardens needed to be vigilant. The remaining live birds in the small flock of chickens and ducks are being humanely culled. Link

Biological Hazard - Slovenia - After a case of bird flu was confirmed in Pragersko in the north-east of Slovenia on Wednesday, another dead swan tested positive for the virus subtype H5N8Link

January 9, 2016:

Biological Hazard - United KingdomA famous swannery owned by one of the richest women in Britain has been struck by a bird flu epidemic. Eighty wild swans have died at the historic Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset - with nine confirmed cases of H5N8 strain of avian influenzaLink

Epidemic Hazard - USA ColoradoThe Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is warning the public that a person diagnosed with measles recently visited a wide variety of locations in Boulder and around the Denver metro areaLink

Biological Hazard - USA Montana Avian influenza has been confirmed in a hunter-harvested mallard duck in Fergus County. Link

January 11, 2016:

Epidemic Hazard - USA WashingtonSeven Mead School District students have been diagnosed with mumps. Health officials said large outbreaks are occurring across the U.S. including in Washington State. They said up to 30 percent of people with a mumps infection will have no symptoms, while others can show signs of fever, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite and swelling/ pain of the cheeks and jaw. Link

Biological Hazard - Nigeria -  A devastating new strain of Avian Influenza has hit the poultry industry with over 3.5 million birds affected currently. According to the minister, the new strain is very pathogenic and more devastating to poultry species. Link

Biological Hazard - India -  Seventeen ducks and two ducklings were culled late on Saturday night at Mirasol Lake and Restaurant, Kadaiya village, Daman, after laboratory reports confirmed that the mysterious deaths of two ducklings there earlier, were due to the H5N1 virus known as bird flu/avian influenzaLink

Earthquakes, in divers places:

Rather than list all earthquakes by year or decade above a given magnitude, for the past decade, to illustrate the undeniable increase in number, magnitude and depth/magnitude of worldwide earthquakes, I will simply include the following link to a site which has already done this and done a great job depicting the massive increase in quake activity:

There's no question that earthquake activity is on the rise as well as the intensity/magnitude of the earthquakes we are seeing now.  Jesus didn't just say we would see MORE earthquakes or BIGGER earthquakes...He said we'd see them in "divers" places.  In other words we would see these quakes in various places, ALL over...and yes, unusual places (for quakes, anyway). Well, this specific "condition" is true as well.

For anyone interested in monitoring current earthquake activity, I would recommend this site: USGS Latest Earthquakes  (in the upper right-hand corner is a gear icon where you can change settings for the map and what you'd like to see).

If you are interested in staying up-to-date with not just earthquakes, but ALL types of worldwide alerts, such as biological hazards, volcanic activity, etc., I would recommend this site: RSOE EDIS - Emergency Disaster Information 

John 14:29

29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.

Luke 21:28

28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

(click on above prayer card to make larger and/or save/download)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Remember What He Told Us

Are We Living In The End Times?

If we are honest with ourselves, we can't even say "each year that passes" it seems the world becomes a darker place, or "each month that passes" something else tragic happens somewhere else around the world, or "each week that passes" there seems to be another natural disaster such as an earthquake where lives are lost, or flood, or tornado, or fire or new "biological disaster" (disease) that surfaces, somewhere in the world.  No, if we are completely honest, we are at a point now where we can barely get through one single day without hearing some form of disastrous, heart-breaking news.  In fact, there's so much of it, I can barely keep up with it and as much as I hate to admit this, within a few days, I am so overwhelmed by the "new news", I find myself forgetting what happened just a few days earlier.  If this is not "the end times", I can't bring myself to imagine what this world would be like in the "actual end times".  

The Good News, Jesus Told Us What Signs To Look For:

We need to remember, always, that Jesus told His disciples (and us) what "condition" the world would be in just prior to His return.  He gave specific things for us to watch for and He also told us that we would see these "things" begin to happen and then increase in intensity (and continue to increase), the closer we were to the time of His return.....He likened this to a woman in labor (at first the labor pains or contractions are spaced out and then become more and more frequent and more intense, right up until the child is birthed).  

So, what did He tell us the signs would be?  Beginning in Matthew, chapter 24 and verse 5:

  1. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
  2. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye not be troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
  3. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
  4. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
  5. And many false prophets shall rise, and deceive many.
  6. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

The very first thing Jesus said, just before telling us what these signs would be is: "Take heed that no man deceive you."

We are living in an extremely deceptive time.  I dare say there is deception in every single aspect of our lives.  He was not casually suggesting that we not let anyone deceive us.....this was a commandment, that all followers must take seriously.....it's THAT important.  

False/Deceptive "Prophets":
Jesus forewarned His followers that there would be false prophets (people claiming to "hear from the Lord") that would deceive many.  We know from the prophet Joel, (Joel 2:28):

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."

Of course we can (and should) trust in, believe in and feel confident in the words spoken by the prophet Joel who was truly inspired by the Holy Spirit when he wrote those words.  Unfortunately, there are too many people today, who may even have good intentions, but who misuse this prophetic scripture.  For example, there are youtube channels that exist that are completely dedicated to dreams.  I do not doubt that Christians today are having dreams that are from the Lord and are prophetic, in one way or another, but I am referring to those that without fail, will post a video each and every day, and explain it's prophetic meaning.  This is just my opinion, of course, but I do not believe the Lord, or the Holy Spirit, is working in this way.  I have also found that the people who claim to have "prophetic / warning" dreams, each and every night, never share anything but that.  We, as the body of Christ, are called to spread the Gospel, first and foremost.  One of these "dream channels" on youtube, actually admits that they "don't really know scripture all that well"!  I would classify this as a snare....a snare to all Christians who get caught up in believing they are "hearing from the Lord" through these other people's dreams and even worse, a snare to younger or new Christians, who aren't yet "mature in their faith/walk".  It's very tempting and easy to get caught up "in all the hype".  When it comes to listening to other people share a dream and or vision that they claim to have received from the Lord, I always rely on the discernment of the Holy Spirit.  You can always count on the Holy Spirit to let you know (if you're listening to the Spirit).  I will usually get a bad feeling or a "flag" will go up or a warning signal in my mind, letting me know that something just isn't right.  I then pray about it and somehow, someway, the Lord will let me know who is genuine and who is not.  

Wars and Rumours of Wars:
I was flipping through the channels on TV, looking for something on the news a week or so ago and couldn't believe my eyes.....the following is a screenshot of an actual broadcast on RT News:

Well, I think we can definitely put a checkmark next to #2 above!  All joking aside, I thought to myself, "how much easier/obvious could the Lord make this one for us to recognize!"  Even without a news headline staring us in the face like this, it's safe to say that we are definitely "hearing" of war and rumours of war ALL the time.  If it's not the South China Sea "issue" and the international hostilities surrounding the disputed islands there, there's always North Korea threatening to Nuke someone, most recently the US and South Korea.  Just a few days ago Turkey invaded Syria....to fight....well, honestly, I still can't figure out who's fighting who over there and for what (speaking of DECEPTION).  Then we've got the Russian president warning the US citizens of how close we "really" are to all out war and that our media is lying to us and hiding what is really going on (which I don't doubt).  I could go on (and on).  And these are just the 'war headlines' from this past week!!  

Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom:

Isa 19:2  "And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom."

Photo taken during Arab Spring in Egypt

Another scene of the violence in Egypt during Arab Spring

Hag 2:22  "And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother."

The death of Saddam Hussein ended up transforming the country 
of Iraq into an unstable land plagued by sectarian violence.

 Libya is now a lawless wasteland.

Unfortunately, Egypt hasn't seen it's worst days yet.

Zec 14:13  "And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour."

Last, but certainly not least....... I chose to include the following for several reasons I feel are significant.  Something I have yet to share on this blog is my own, personal testimony.  That is actually next on my list.  For now, in short, my life took a 180 degree turn....or you could say....I WOKE UP, real fast, the moment I saw the image of James Foley, in that orange jumpsuit, kneeling in the desert, plastered on the evening news.  I remember it was late (summer) 2014.  That's when I was first made aware of the unbelievable nightmare....unimaginable nightmare, unfolding in the middle east (and elsewhere around the world).  

I am fully aware of all the controversy surrounding those first few videos put out, with the men in the orange jumpsuits (and Jihadi John) and how they were supposedly "fake", etc. etc.  I, personally had to know the truth....and I went searching for the truth.  I had to know what was really going on "over there" (if I can put it that way)....if it was real....how bad it really was.  What I found "online" was way more, way worse than I could have imagined.  I immediately knew that the world that I grew up in was gone....life as I had known it was never going to be the same again, and I ran....I RAN as fast as I could....straight to God.   I was terrified and I knew that God Almighty was the ONLY protection from any of the nightmare that was coming on this world.  I was not yet born again, that came roughly six months later, but I am sharing the following for these three specific reasons:

  1. This is prophetic.  Although we know that many Christians have been targeted and persecuted, I believe most of the "ISIS slaughter" or Muslim killing in general (Shi'ite vs. Sunni) is just that, Muslim killing fellow Muslim, or brother against brother.
  2. If this had such a personal and absolutely life changing effect on my own life, the knowledge and awareness of what is really going on may have the same effect on someone else.  I honestly don't know where I'd be today if this "ISIS nightmare" didn't happen (as much as I hate to admit that)....I just praise God.
  3. The main stream media covers this up like the plague and it's wrong!  It does not matter any longer who created this demonic group of killers.....the bottom line is that they exist.  Yet, we never, ever hear about these atrocities on the news!  Every person, in every country needs to be aware of what is happening.....this should not be swept under the rug any longer.

ISIS killing an Iraqi in Anbar Province, Iraq
Note: IS Muslim terrorists killing Muslims (Arabs), Syria

ISIS crucifixion of children

There were many, many (too many) other photos available online, to pick from, that would illustrate a "nation at war with itself"....in fact, for those of us living in the United States, it's beginning to be (almost) a regular thing to see riots and cities burning and criminals running rampant in the streets shooting guns as if they were toys.  No, this isn't the world I grew up in and the only hope I have is hope in the soon return of our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ.

To be continued.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Not By Might, Nor By Power, But by my Spirit....

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not only an essential part of our walk with Christ but what also sets us (Christians) apart from everyone else.

Why We Need The Holy Spirit:

First and foremost, Jesus Himself tells us in John 3:3 "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."           John 3
When we are born again we are baptized in the Holy Spirit and it is the moment of our salvation.  We receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit where the Spirit of God brings us into union with Christ and into union with other believers.  

1 Corinthians 12:12-13
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Just as Christ died and rose again, when we are born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit (and subsequent water baptism), the "sinful" man/woman in us is "buried with Him in baptism" and raised, in Faith, that we might walk in newness of life!

John 14:16-18
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."

Jesus promised us "another", the Spirit, to comfort us, to teach us, to guide us and to seal our salvation.  Whether we realize it or not, it is the Spirit who calls us and leads us to Christ. We not only receive comfort from the Holy Spirit but we receive POWER...the power of God, which we need, as believers, in order to have the strength and knowledge and discernment and wisdom in this dark world, to carry out our mission....which is to spread the Good News....the Gospel!

Acts 1:8
"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

Just reading the passage from Isaiah in the above "image" (Isaiah 11:1-3), we are told that the Spirit is a Spirit of Wisdom, and of Understanding, and of Counsel and of Strength.  A Spirit of Knowledge and of fear of the Lord.

It took me a little while to fully understand WHY Jesus said that we Need to be born again.  Then it suddenly made sense (really I had finally received the knowledge and wisdom from the Spirit to fully understand).....I attempted to read the Bible years ago but gave up quickly because I could not understand what I was reading....it seemed "too complicated" (which it's not).......we NEED the Holy Spirit in order to be able to understand "things of the spirit".  He will reveal things to us (believers) that we did not previously see.  I find myself amazed by this regularly.  In my humble opinion, this is one of the greatest gifts of the Spirit.....I am now able to read the Word and see the deeper message.....and there IS a deeper message (or layers to the Word).  

How Do We Know We Have Received The "Indwelling" of the Holy Spirit?:

When you receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit...you will know!   Your whole life will change.  Your desires will change.  You will understand what it means to "be on fire for God".  You will (at a minimum, desire to learn more about God and about Jesus and what He had to say and will WANT to read His Word (or, if you're like me, and many others....you won't be able to get enough of it).   You'll notice that you want to spend more time around those you may not have "liked" before.  You will soon realize that you have found a peace that you did not know existed (and wonder how you lived so long without it!).

I have tried to describe this feeling with a family member and the closest I could get to a comparison, in human terms, is the feeling of when we first fall in love.  If you've ever been in love with someone you know what I'm talking about.  That person is ALL you can think about and you want to tell everyone about that person.  They are on your mind 24/7.  Well, I would say that being filled with the Holy Spirit (being born again, of the Spirit)...is like falling in love times a million!!  

Don't wait another day if you are not sure or if you have never received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.  I promise you...you will not be disappointed!  You will receive a peace, an internal peace that you never thought was possible!