He Came As The Suffering Servant..

He Came As The Suffering Servant..
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done; saying: 'My counsel shall stand, and all My pleasure will I do'" Isaiah 46:10

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hell Fire

The video (sermon) below, by Pastor Charles Lawson, is so powerful (and true) that there's not much I can really add to it...it's just something I highly recommend watching.  It's a shame that most churches today have steered clear of teaching on end times, the Book of Revelation and hell.  My guess would be that these are unpopular topics among the masses.  How popular was Jesus "among the masses"?  His message was one of love and mercy and forgiveness, of course but He absolutely stressed the judgement that would come to non-believers and "workers of iniquity".  

Regardless of what country you are living in currently, I think it's safe to assume (sadly) that you are experiencing unprecedented trials, tribulations, fear, instability (of some sort).  It's a worldwide nightmare we're living in at this point.  Of course some countries are dealing with tougher situations than others.  All of that being said, I think it's only natural, in times like these, to turn to God for answers and comfort.  I will go a step further and say that I personally believe that God allows the "shaking"/turmoil that we're seeing for a reason.  He wants to get ALL our attention.  There are so many people, too many people, who do not know Jesus and through Him, God the Father.  I can't even imagine my life at this point, especially with the way the world is now, without the knowledge that 'no matter what, I have the Lord Jesus to lean on and His Holy Spirit to help me discern the truth from all the lies being fed to us (from all over).  It's bad now and will only get worse.  

My purpose in sharing this video is the hope that this may "speak" to someone....wake just one more person up to the fact that Heaven and Hell are real...they really do exist and we have a choice of where we'll spend eternity.  

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